Positive and Negative Self-Image

Explore and draw conclusions about the influences of positive and negative self-images on one’s life and work.
1. Create a “How Well Do You Know Yourself?” rating line from page 31 in Careers For Life.
2. P. 54-62 in Careers For Life stories and group discussions about influences on your choices.

The $10 Million Quiz

close up of coins on table

Photo by Skitterphoto on Pexels.com

On p. 61 in Careers For Life (Sample answers found there for help!)

Copy and paste the following questions on your blog under Career Ed and make the title “The $10 Million Quiz.” Copy them on to paper if you would rather. Answer the questions! This may help you think about your dreams.

  1. If I won $10 million, what would I do?
  2. Why?
  3. What does this say about me/my interests?
  4. Does this answer give me career clues for my future?
  5. What kinds of occupations might suit me?

Visualizing Yourself

extreme close up of woman eye
On p. 60 in Careers For Life
 On your blog under the Career Ed page, you need to make a title “Visualizing Myself in 10 Years” and answer the following questions below with a combination of writing, adding pictures, and adding links. Please make sure to have the titles: Where, What, How, Who and Why at the top of each section you add.
*If you have another idea/another way you would like to present your ideas, just ask! 
1. Where? Where do you live? For example: my hometown, elsewhere in CA, the world, in a city, in the country, in an apartment, in a house.
2.  What? How do you spend your time? What environment do you work in? How are you involved in the community? Do you have a full-time job? Do you have your own business? What field of work are you in? (General answers are okay here, for example, “has to do with cars,” “saving the rainforest,” “anything with video games,” “helping people.” Be specific if you already have a better idea!
3. How? What kind of lifestyle do you have? How important are possessions(material items)? How much leisure (free time) do you have? How do you get to work? Do you travel for business?
4. Who? Who are the important people in your life? Who are your friends? Do you see them often? Do you picture yourself being single or married? What kind of family do you have? Do you live near your parents and other members of your family?
5. Why? What do you care about? What do you read about? Are you worried about education? health care? world politics? environment?

Grade 7 Math

Sept/Oct: Division, Patterns & Relations (N7.1, P7.1)

Oct: Addition & Subtraction of Integers (N7.6)

Nov/Dec: Decimals, Percentages & Fractions (N7.2, N7.3, N7.4)

Jan: Circles & Area (SS7.1, SS7.2, SP7.2)

Feb: Operations With Fractions (N7.5)

March: Equations (P7.2, P7.3, P7.4)

April-June: Data Analysis & Geometry (SP7.1, SP7.3, SS7.3-5)

Weekly Reviews

Wacky Hair Introduction: The Elements and Principles of Art

Creative/Productive: CP6.10-12, CP7.10-12, CP8.10-12

To learn about and explore the elements and principles of art, I thought it would be fun to create a new hair-do!

To begin, we need to:

  1. Take a picture of you.
  2. Brainstorm ideas of how to begin:
    • Elements of Art
    • Principles of Design
    • Grade 6: Identity Theme (hobbies, family etc.)
    • Grade 7: Place (surroundings, area etc.)
    • Grade 8: Social Issues (poverty, environment etc.)
  3. Sketch on back of brainstorm page the general direction/shape/size you want your hair to be so you know where to glue your face on the good copy. The size of your composition box should match the size of paper/canvas you are going to use.
  4. Glue your face on to the canvas/paper. LEAVE ROOM FOR HAIR (look at your rough draft).
  5. Begin!


Elements of ArtPrinciple of DesignLineTexture

IMG_0953.jpg 1,030×1,600 pixels

+opdracht: Bijzonder kapsel. Knip een portret uit een tijdschrift-opplakken en stylen maar dat haar! LIJN: Droedelen: Droedelen (Engels doodle) is een vorm van schetsen/tekenen zonder duidelijk doel, door iemand wiens gedachtes ergens anders zijn. Het zijn krabbels gemaakt vanuit het onderbewuste. De droedels bevatten soms een verborgen boodschap. Vaak zijn het eenvoudige tekeningen, soms groeien ze uit tot uitgebreide patronen.

Personal Standards (USC7.1)

USC7.1: Establish and use strategies to commit to and act upon personal standards for various aspects of daily living over which an individual has control.

Screen Shot 2018-08-28 at 6.57.41 PM.png

What is a personal standard?

Take a look at your life. Are you happy with yourself? If you are, keep up the good work. However, if you’re not, you need to take a close look at the personal standards you set for yourself.

With low standards, you will struggle to put enough time, effort, and energy into achieving a goal. You will end up with subpar results you most likely are not proud of.

When you set high standards, you raise your expectations of what’s possible. You suddenly expect more from yourself, more from your actions, and more from others. You are naturally willing to do more to get the results you’re after, which raises your  performance and results!

The first step to becoming the person you want to be is to raise your standards, expect more of yourself and just become your best self one day at a time.

How many examples of personal standards can we think of?

Discussion questions with friends near you:

What/who would challenge your personal standards?

What/who reinforces them?

Share with the class.


1. Pick one of the personal standards below:

  • how you treat yourself
  • how you treat others
  • what and how you speak
  • your behaviour
  • hygiene
  • eating choices
  • exercise/being active choices
  • quality of your schoolwork

2. Pick two of the influences below that may change your commitment to your personal standard.

  • social trends
    apple applications apps cell phone
  • norms
  • family
  • school
  • friends
  • media
  • tell me if you can think of another influence you want to use


3. Answer these two questions about the personal standard you chose to discuss:

How do the two influences effect your chosen personal standard from question 1?

Are they negative or positive influences?


4. Pick one personal standard you want to raise for yourself. On your blog, in your health page, write the personal standard you want to raise and talk about how you are going to raise it. You need to set a specific timeline and have a specific way to work on your goal.

Resiliency: To recover(bounce back) from difficulties or failure.

How did this video show resilience?

Has there ever been a time in your life where you have already had to be resilient?

How is resiliency related to personal standards? When could being resilient help?


On a sticky note, write this down and fill the blank in:

Dear me,

The next time I ___________ (write something here that you struggle with and find yourself giving up on sometimes) _________, I am going to be resilient. I will get back up and try again.

Sign your name here.


Set standards and be resilient!


About You Assignment

Image result for kids hand shake

If you were to introduce yourself to the world on your blog, what would you say? Remember, anything you put online, can be looked at by anyone. How do you want to represent yourself? Look at the outline below to help get you started.

  • Make a separate page on your blog called ‘About Me.’
  • Keep an eye on spelling and grammar. After you are finished writing, get a friend to read it over (edit and revise), before you publish. Make sure to type your name at the bottom.
  • DO NOT give any specific details about where you live. A city is okay, an address is not.
  • Have a greeting (Hello, welcome, hi,).
  • Separate different topics into paragraphs when you make a post. You must choose at least 3 topics to discuss:
    • Hobbies/interests/activities (What do you like to do in your spare time?)
    • Family
    • Talk about any accomplishments or things you are good at.
    • Future plans (What do you want to do in the future as a career?)
    • Goals for grade 7 (What do you want to get better at/learn?)
    • If you were to explain yourself (personality/abilities) within three separate words, what would they be?
    • What are most interested in learning about? (Be as specific as you can)
    • If you have another topic you want to do, just ask!

Technology and ELA Goal

For my PGP this year, I chose to try the Global Read Aloud, and I wanted to continue to connect with that same class throughout the year and carry on conversation between their and my class. GRA was amazing and I would definitely do that again, it was fun to read a book and connect with a class from Hingham, Massachusetts. We did all sorts of activities with The Wild Robot. I also wanted a different way to inspire my students in ELA.

I did complete my goal, but the class I connected with for GRA was not as consistent as I preferred, so I reached out on Edmodo. Edmodo is a great way to reach out to other educators and find a class to connect with. I could have also done this on the Facebook group for GRA or even Twitter. Edmodo led me to a class from Salem, Ohio. Yes, Salem with the past of witches! The students were instantly interested to find out about them. The connections were amazing off the start with Skype, but after a little while, my students did not seem as engaged. My class, having 19, and the class we connected with, only having 9 students, ended up being my students having to wait a lot longer to share their ideas. So we talked about other possibilities!

This led us to other ways of communication. Mr. Smith introduced me to Flipgrid, which I made an earlier post on. He also showed me how to use Padlet while connecting with his students. Both of these were great, because we could both create on our own time with our students and respond when we could, instead of having to set a concrete time with Skype. It also made students who were a more shy about responding on the spot (live on Skype) able to think about their response and answer to their full capability when we were discussing our books or each other. Now, being able to carry a thoughtful conversation in front of students you do not know is a hard task, so it was a good skill to work on with Skype.

I would say my PGP ended up being a success, because it led me to learn new things about how to incorporate technology successfully, and sometimes not so successfully in my classroom.

During the year I was also led to Microsoft Education. Which took me onto a whole new realm of Skype possibilities. That’s for another post.


I gave my students a quizziz today to review questions we have learned in math this year. Sounds thrilling, right? Actually, it was. It only took me 5 minutes to make with 19 questions. Even though it was math, quizziz is colourful, easy to operate and throws a meme in between each question that the students eat up.

Even though some of the questions were hard, if they did not get them right, it showed them the answers after, and lets you review them at the end. I had the students look at the questions they got wrong, if there was any, and ask me if they needed a little more help understanding. There are many different settings to play around with, I encourage it!

Quizziz did remind me of Kahoot, but not all the kids have to answer the questions at the same time, which took some pressure off the lower level readers.

Quizizz could easily be used as a check in exit slip, a pre-assessment to see what they know or in those 15 minutes left on that Friday to engage them in another way and send them with big smiles on their faces.